Roto Assembly Guide
- Be aware of your electronics. Please don't work on your printer while it's turned on. We advise disconnecting from the mains during installation and maintenance.
- Be aware when you heat up your new HotEnd not to burn yourself on the HeaterCore or Nozzle.
- Do not change the Revo nozzle whilst hot always wait to cool to room temperature.
- The standard Revo HeaterCore can print up to 300°C, do not exceed these temperatures!
- The Revo Roto fan is 5V , make sure that you use the regulator board if you are connecting the fan directly to a 24V pin.
- Your HotEnd and your printer are your responsibility. We cannot be held responsible for damages caused by the use, misuse or abuse of our products.
- E3D parts are intended for indoor use only, we cannot be responsible for issues caused through the operation of our products outside.
You can get yourself a Revo Roto upgrade kit with everything you need here:
- 1 x Roto extruder assembly
- 1 x Roto fixings kit
- 1 x 3 or 2-wire 5V fan.
- 1 x filament sensor (Optional)
- 1 x Heatsink thermistor (Optional)
- 1 x Bowdapter (Optional)
- 1 x Extension cable kit
Your upgrade kit will have the following components:
During this upgrade, you will need:
- 1 x 2.0mm hex key
- 1 x 1.5mm hex key
- Skip steps 1-3 if you have Roto (without filament sensor and/or heatsink thermistor)
- Skip steps 1-11 if you have Roto Bowden.
- Skip steps 12 and 13 if you don't have Roto Bowden.
1. Identify the M3x30 screw holding the heatsink, and unscrew it using a 2.0mm hex key.
keep the screw for later usage.
2. Carefully detach the Roto heatsink from the gearbox.
3. Place the filament sensor in its allocated place on the heatsink.
Be mindful of the orientation!
4. Identify the heatsink thermistor, and insert it all the way in its allocated place.
Skip this step if you do not have the heatsink thermistor.
5. Secure the heatsink's thermistor by tightening the M3x3 grub screw
6. Reattach the heatsink. Make sure that the heatsink is flush with the gearbox and there is no gap between them.
If the gap between the heatsink and the gearbox still exists, make sure that the gears are well alligned!
7. Secure the heatsink by tightening the M3x30 screw using a 2.0mm hex key.
-The thermistor cables should go through the gap located at the bottom of the heatsink.
-Zip-tie the heatsink's thermistor to the heatercore's cables to provide strain relief for the thermistor.
8. Make sure that the Revo spring is attached to the top of the heatercore.
-This step is valid for both Roto and Roto Sensored.
9. Attach the hotside to the heatsink.
-This step is valid for both Roto and Roto Sensored.
-This process is the same for the Standard, High flow and High Temperature Revo Hotsides.
10. Screw the nozzle through the hotside and into the heatsink using only your fingers.
You can use any Rapidchange Revo nozzle of our choice compatible with the desired hotside.
11. Place the 2/3-wire fan on the heatsink as shown below, and tighten it using M3x35 screws.
- 3-wire fan goes with the Sensored Roto, and the 2-wire fan goes with the standard Roto.
- This step is valid for both 2 and 3-wire fans.
- Be mindful of the fan's orientation, the sticker should be placed towards the heatsink!
Mount the fan at a preferred angle, ensuring that its cables are positioned nearest to the wiring loom.
12. Screw in the bowdapter at the bottom of the heatsink.
This step is only valid for Roto Bowden.
13. Identify 2 different washers, and secure them using M3x30 screws.
This step is only valid for Roto Bowden.

Still need help?
If you have any questions about your order, account or require help troubleshooting we are available to help.
Our operating hours are 9-5 (GMT/ BST) Monday to Friday. We aim to respond to email enquiries within 24 hours.
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